alright, FINE, i'm pulling my thumb out of my ass and writing a new post because it looks like cassy might replace my thumb with her foot if i don't!
plus, truth be told, i am tired of looking at those giant tits from my last post.
now, i am not saying this will be a great post, or even a good post. in fact, it is quite shaping up to be the most mediocre post that ever was . . .
see, here's the problem: like my dear, dear mr. c, i too have run out of things to say.
yes, that's right, I AM OUT OF FUCKING THINGS TO SAY!!!
and i'm tired. it's true, i confess. i've run out of steam.
i should have taken this summer off, but instead i'm piloting a reading program (Read 180) with my colleague blu AND will be chaperoning journalism camp with her the first week of august. THEN, there was all that shit i had to do at loyola . . .
stick a fork in me, already!
(wow, what a damn whinger i am!)
seriously, though, to compound the problem, i'm sort of having writer's block too (and maybe a quarter-life crisis, but that's another post altogether!). and then i go on to cassy's blog, seeking inspiration, and she's this tour de force, this force of nature, and i'm left speechless and in awe and (if you haven't read her blog yet, GO NOW! yes, NOW!!! go on! you'll love it. trust me. she's positively brilliant) . . .
same goes for all of the other blogs on my blog list.
(sigh . . .)
my synapses are dead.
or on vacation.
mmm . . . vacation . . .
ANYHOW, i feel a bit like a character on mike meyers' skit "coffee talk with linda richman" on saturday night live. i feel like i need someone to give me a topic (or a transfusion? an infusion? oh, please stop the confusion!).
and if you never saw the show, here's an explanation from wiki:
Whenever Linda would get upset, she would put her hand on her chest and say "I'm all verklempt" or "I'm a little verklempt". Then she would say, "Talk amongst yourselves," sometimes waving her hand in a dismissive gesture toward the audience. She would often follow this with an example, by saying, "I'll give you a topic." The topic would usually follow the format: "[Two- or three-part phrase] is neither [first part] nor [second part] (nor [occasional third part]). Discuss."
"The radical reconstruction of the South after the Civil War was neither radical nor a reconstruction. Discuss."
"The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman nor an empire. Discuss." (This quote is based on a famous comment by Voltaire.)
"The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut. Discuss."
"Ralph Fiennes is spelled neither rafe nor fines. Discuss."
"Duran Duran is neither a Duran nor a Duran. Discuss."
"Rhode Island is neither a road nor is it an island. Discuss."
"The Thighmaster is neither a thigh nor a master. Discuss."
"The Progressive Era was neither progressive nor an era. Discuss."
"Did Truman drop the bomb on the Japanese to end the war or to scare the hell out of the Russians? Discuss."
"The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is neither Mormon nor a tabernacle nor a choir. Discuss."
She would then recover after a beat.