can someone please explain to me when fat-bashing became posh?
when did it become socially acceptable, even fashionable, to make fun of and/or generally be rude towards fat people?
i want to know.
i saw a personals ad the other day that read, "if you're a BBW (Big "Beautiful" Woman), do not message me. i cannot get into fat women, period."
ok, maybe that's not exactly "bashing", but let me put it another way . . .
what if the ad read, "if you're a
jew, do not message me. i cannot get into jewish women, period."
or, "if you're an
african-american, do not message me. i cannot get into black women, period."
do you ever see or hear anyone saying
no, of course you don't.now, before all of you start saying, "but lana, blacks can't help being black, or jews can't help being jewish . . ." i just want to say that while there are some overweight people out there who CAN help being overweight, there are some who CAN'T.
i mean, if you put up an ad, and a fat person answers it, is it really so hard to say, "i'm flattered. thank you for your note, but no thank you."
really?i'm not saying people aren't allowed to have preferences, but i just feel that if you wouldn't say, "blacks need not apply," or, "jews need not apply," then why would you think that saying, "fat people need not apply" is ok?
if a large number of blacks or jews responded to your ad, would you post a similar statement on your ad, or would you just reply to each person individually and say, "gee, thanks, but no thanks"?
for the record, i don't think obesity, whatever the reason, is particularly attractive (and more importantly, heathly)
but i would never dream of saying or writing something like that. never. and not the least of which is because i too struggle with weight. it's just not right.
some of you are going to call me an overly-sensitive, politically-correct, bleeding-heart, tree-hugging liberal . . .
i thank you.
i hope most of you, though, will simply join me in saying that, at best, saying something like that is tactless, and at worst, bigoted.