with the first full week of the new 2008-2009 school year behind me, i finally have a moment to check in with the two, but totally awesome people who read this blog. y'all know who you are . . . i definitely do because I AM one of them.
(hi mom!)
but seriously: people, I LOVE MY NEW STUDENTS!!!
i have to admit i wasn't sure i would.
see, during the summer, when everyone received their teaching schedules and i found out for the first time i'd be teaching sophomores (15-16 year olds) and freshmen (13-15 year olds), as opposed to only freshmen, my colleagues (bless their black souls), took it upon themselves to put the fear of the lord jesus christ in me with their sophomore horror stories . . .
i heard it all, friends.
story after story after story . . . all of them boiling down to: unlike naive, little freshmen, sophomores KNOW the game, and unlike the upperclassmen (juniors and seniors), they don't know how to handle it.
sophomores, right? from the word "sophomoric" . . . the wise fools . . .
walking into my classroom for the first day of school, i was terrified.
not just were the sophomores going to eat me alive, but because there were twice as many of them in their class (40 to 1) than in the freshmen classes (20 to 1), they were going to DEVOUR me.
fortunately, though the class was much, MUCH bigger than i was used to, the students were incredibly eager, enthusiastic, creative, and not to mention, respectful.
i totally adore them.
they actually understand irony! they actually understand wit! they actually understand sarcasm! and they can dish it all back to me! it's fabulous and we're going to have an wonderful year together.
yes, they're a little loud, but fortunately i love a bit of chaos (shocker, huh?), especially when it's creative chaos and has to do with the literature at hand. plus, when i need to get their attention, they're really great about self-policing and getting back to lecture quickly.
so, yay for the sophomores!
though, this is ONLY the second full week of school . . .
gonna go knock on some wood now.
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