ok, so on friday i received some shocking news and i wasn't going to say anything about it because i'm a little embarrassed and feel not a little . . . undeserving . . .
(obviously, as a self-proclaimed "ham" my embarrassment and guilt do not go far enough that i would completely abstain from mentioning what i'm about to mention . . .)
here's the scoop: i was nominated by the staff and administration at my school a district "rising star"! which, according to the powers that be, a rising star is someone who is an "exceptional teacher with five years or less service".
apparently, i get a cool award and get to have dinner with the superintendent and other winners from the rest of the district later this month . . . oh, yeah, and cash ($1,200?).
frankly, i think my award should have gone to my colleague, blu, who i feel is a MUCH BETTER teacher than me.
i'm a workaholic, but she's like 100 times the workaholic i am. plus, you know . . . she doesn't just work a lot . . . she's good . . . she's amazing.
still, i'm very flattered and extremely grateful and honored . . . and as soon as this horrific, no-joke-stuff-of-legends ear infection goes away and i get my hearing back, i will work extra hard to live up to everyone's hopes.
Go you! I'm sure you are being too modest
at any rate, it's nice that people think i'm doing somethings right . . .
in teaching, as you know, it's especially nice to receive recognition since unlike other professions, we don't have "Senior Teacher" or "Master Teacher" or "Supreme Director in Charge of Super Teacheriness" and whatnot . . . there aren't raises for a job well done and so on.
i'm happy.
Felicidades - its nice to be thought of so highly, verdad? If only people on the outside (non-teaching) understood or had even a glimpse of what we do...
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