so, you know how if you're a blogger on Blogger you have to verify your identity with those funny "word verification" thingies?
well, does anyone else out there obsess over whether certain ones of those fake words is actually a word?
tonight i was posting on mr. c's born-again-blog and my word was "chauab". like, "ciao, a.b." . . . you know, which is funny to me (not in a "ha! ha!" way, but rather in a "oh, that's interesting" way) because it was like saying goodbye to one of my best girls, whose initials are a and b . . .
anyhow, it's ok to say it people: lana, you're nuts.
i know, I KNOW . . . it's a distinct possibility y'all.
no, it's just you. On the bright side that means there is no group therapy to help. I'm not a fan of group.
Hey, I just noticed that you have a link to Van Peebs - who has a link to me - who has a link to you - who has a link to me - who has a link to van peebles.
How do you know DPW? I'm just returned from his sister's wedding. I hate weddings, but (just in case he reads this) today's was the best I've been to... and his speech was incredible. I may transcibe it and pass it off as my own on ToaSNT
oh oh oh - and listen to the audible version of the word verification things - they're fantastic!
OMG!!! you're so right, they're hilarious in the audible version . . . thanks for the heads up.
no group therapy, eh? well, that's good for another reason, mr. c: there are fewer nuts like me roaming about the earth, which is good news for everyone else.
anyhow, yeah, i have a link to david . . . it's a long story, so i'll give you the condensed version (or a version as brief as humanly possible).
see, i know, or rather, knew (also a long story i won't get into details about) . . . a lad who works (still, i think) with one of david's friends, a guy named sion barry (who also has a cool blog). and at any rate, while on sion's blog, i saw david's blog, and while on david's blog, i found your blog, and well now we're all . . . well . . . connected.
did you get all that because, my dear mr. c, there will be a quiz later and i, being the kind of teacher who likes her students to succeed, wants you to pass that assessment with flying colors . . .
then again, i'm also a bit of a push-over, so if you don't pass, i am certain that we can work out some sort of extra credit assignment . . .
let's see, my car really needs a wash . . . my walk-in closet could use a little tlc . . . then, too, my surfboard hasn't seen a good waxing in i-don't-know-how-long . . .
so, now that we're clear on that, have you started rehearsals?
and, why do you hate weddings? will you hate your own, i wonder? or have you sworn off marriage to begin with, adamant to lead the life of a swinging bachelor?
just wonderin'.
ps: david, if you see this . . . congratulations to your sister and your family!!! how wonderful and exciting! mr. c tells me he had a fabulous time and that you were great and that he can't wait to go to another wedding very soon . . .
you know, i listened to the audible word verifications again just now and, frankly, i don't think "hilarious" is right . . .
actually, i don't know what possessed me to say that.
they're NOT funny.
they're creeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy . . .
(ok, and a little, veeeeery little bit, funny. but MOSTLY scary.)
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