late, yes, but suck it.
not a whole lot to say about my trip, other than it reaffirmed my love of all things united kingdom . . . and that i want to live there forever and ever and ever and EVER.
this time, no-one called me a "fat cunt" and prompted me to jump off of a bridge.
i love my welsh peeps.
i had an incredible time--one i won't soon forget. wish i could do justice to all the beauty i saw, but alas, i have a shit camera.
basically, take my word for it and visit. and even if you've already gone, go back!
it's THAT wonderful.
lovely place. lovely people.
(all photos: edinburgh, scotland, uk. such a GORGEOUS place, edinburgh. more gorgeous, i think, than london. too bad the weather was utter shite and i couldn't take more or better photos. seriously fucking cool place. as if i wasn't already in love with the uk!)

(you just have to LOOOOOOOVE a people whose motto is: NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT. in latin: no-one injures me with impunity. or as i like to put it: nobody fucks with me and gets away with it, beeeeeeeyotch!)

(below: somewhere near auchterarder, scotland, uk.)

(so, i know you're tempted to say, "lana! OMG, you dyed your hair red, girl!" but actually, this isn't me, it's an aberdeen angus . . . AND I LOOOOOOOVE THEM! i named this one molly. they come in black, too! a bit like chewbacca made love with a cow.)

(THIS is me--though NOT in the uk. but it's me. and it's me from an angle that doesn't make me look fat. it IS possible. i call it the "facebook angle". you ever notice that almost all facebook photos are from THIS angle? it's because it makes people look thinner. like me. if you saw me in real life, you'd wonder, "who is the person in THIS picture?" . . . no, really.)
(all photos: fuck-if-i-remember, england, uk. this was either on the way TO oxford or on the way back to london FROM oxford. senility is hitting me early, y'all.)

(all photos: oxfordshire, england, uk. blenheim palace, birthplace of sir winston churchill.)

(all photos: london, england, uk. walk along the thames.)

(wish i could say this photo is about showing you a beautiful tree in brilliant bloom, but it's more about showing you two stupid twats in the center of my shot going around picking daffodils in the park. fucking bitches! you see with your eyes, not with your hands, damn you!)

(just keepin' it classy, y'all. keepin' it classy.)

(i loved this painting, though i can remember neither its name nor its artist's name . . . it's hanging in the tate modern, though, if you want to pop by.)
(all photos: london, england, uk. borough market . . . GET IN MY BELLY!)

Cool pictures. You have a great sense of humor. You must be enjoying your day off. I loved Great Britain too, the mix of the old and the new is terrific.
Glad you enjoyed your trip. I loved California - lived there for ten years (San Diego, but we're in Devon, UK now).
Great photos too. Most Welsh people are lovely, but a few of the more extreme yobs can get a bit irksome. I don't think that was a Welsh thing, though. Just a stupid, ignorant, drunk idiot thing. Sorry about your bad experience.
mr. benson, sir: i DO love the uk. and the more i see of it, the more i love it. what a special, special place. totally UNLIKE america.
as for wales, i'm over my "welsh incident". i really enjoyed my time there--some truly spectacular country on the west coast. and yes, just some yo-yos that one night. in the us, we have more than our fair share, yoda only knows.
thanks so much for dropping by!
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