right about now, i was supposed to be on a plane to london . . .
you know, i understand that i'm not perfect. in fact, i am acutely aware of my perfect imperfection. i have a lot of things to work on, admittedly . . . more than most, i suspect. but that doesn't make me a bad human being, does it?
i make a lot of mistakes, but i'll be damned if i'm not one to recognize them, own to them, apologize for them, grow from them, try to be better in light of them . . .
gonna try not to think of prj in the next ten days, but fuck . . . it's going to be hard. really, really hard.
My Dear, you are better off for not going. Only someone strong like you would let themselves hurt temporarily knowing that they deserve better. Not many people can say that. Certainly not I.
such savoir faire . . .
you are a good friend to me, vic. i wish these words were more: thank you.
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